Best Project Preparatory Work
Sponsored by Cognition Land + Water
Shawfield - Evolution of the Conceptual Site Model and Remediation Strategy by AECOM and Clyde Gateway
Highly Commended:
Former Bowling Terminal, West Dunbartonshire by WSP, DEME, ESSO & West Dunbartonshire Council (view the entry)
Shortlist: ​
Best Preparatory Work on an active fuel station by RSK
Bethnall Grange - Former Ironbridge Power Station by Harworth
Former Bowling Terminal, West Dunbartonshire by WSP, DEME, ESSO & West Dunbartonshire Council
Worthing Gasworks by Ramboll
Shawfield - Evolution of the Conceptual Site Model and Remediation Strategy by AECOM and Clyde Gateway
Torrey Canyon Quarry, Chouet Headland, Guernsey by SLR Consulting

Best Research or Application in the Advancement of Science, Technology or Digital Innovation in the Brownfield Sector
Sponsored by Groundsure
Dermal Bioavailability of PAH in Soil by British Geological Survey, WSP and National Grid​
Highly Commended:
The PFAS Risk Explorer by Jacobs
Calculation & reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by analytical testing by Element Materials Technology
Integrated Bespoke Remediation and Brownfield Data Collection, Management and Visualisation Application by VertaseFLI
Greater Manchester Road Pollution Source and Solution Mapping by The Environment Partnership (TEP)
CL:AIRE Guidance on Natural Source Zone Depletion by CL:AIRE and Geosyntec Consultants (view the entry)
The PFAS Risk Explorer by Jacobs
Dermal Bioavailability of PAH in Soil by British Geological Survey, WSP and National Grid
The Energy Institute Green Guide by Arcadis, Artelia and Energy Institute
Reuse of Waste Ash using Carbon Capture Technology by Ramboll (view the entry)
Part 2A Controlled Waters Investigation by CampbellReith
NHBC Foundation report NF93 by RSK Geosciences
Innovative Passive Remediation of Sulfate Contaminated Drainage by SLR Consulting​

Best Public Engagement and Participation of a Brownfield Activity
York Central Infrastructure by Tetra Tech, Homes England, John Sisk & Son​
Shortlist: ​
Compton, Former Pirbright Institute by Cognition Land and Water
York Central Infrastructure by Tetra Tech, Homes England, John Sisk & Son
Saxon Street Gasholder by National Grid

Best Application of Remediation Technologies
Sponsored by Element
Former Chemical Works in Derby by VertaseFLI and Regenesis
Environmental Improvements to a Lagoon at a Legacy Industrial Site, Northern Ireland by Jacobs and Soilfix
Former Chemical Works in Derby by VertaseFLI and Regenesis
Mayfield School by Sanctus

Best Sustainable Re-Use of Materials
Best Reuse of Materials by RSK Leap Environmental
Silvertown Tunnel Scheme by Riverlinx CJV
Sheppey Regeneration by Cognition Land and Water
Best Reuse of Materials by RSK Leap Environmental
South Bank, Teesworks by AtkinsRèalis​, Arcadis​, Hall Construction ​and Teesworks

Best Sustainable Brownfield / Urban Regeneration / Infrastructure Scheme
Sponsored by NHBC
Kilnwood Vale by CampbellReith (view the entry)
Kilnwood Vale by Campbell Reith
Sustainability Through Design - C23 of HS2 by EKFB (Eiffage, Kier, Ferrovial Construction, and BAM Nuttall), and ASC (Arcadis, Setec, Cowi)
Silvertown Tunnel Scheme by Riverlinx CJV
Barking Decommissioning by Cognition Land and Water
Delivering the Regeneration Legacy of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by London Legacy Development Corporation, Arup and AtkinsRèalis
Project Inspire at Watford Business Park by Ramboll
SPARK Walsall by SLR Consulting and John F Hunt Regeneration -
Sustainable Regeneration of the Largest Brownfield Site in Europe by Arcadis​, AtkinsRèalis​, Hall Construction ​and Teesworks
St Andrews House by ZED PODS​
Best Public Sector/ Not for Profit Brownfield Project
St Andrews House by ZED PODS
Delivering complex brownfield development through the planning system by The London Legacy Development Corporation and Arup
Bethell's Tip, Sale by Arcadis and National Highways
St Andrews House by ZED PODS
Best Biodiversity Enhancement on a Brownfield Project
The restoration of the former Kinneil Kerse landfill, Bo’ness, Scotland by WSP
Highly Commended:
Development of a Natural Treatment System and Wetland Habitat Creation at a Legacy Industrial Site, Northern Ireland by Jacobs and Soilfix
The restoration of the former Kinneil Kerse landfill, Bo’ness, Scotland by WSP
Development of a Natural Treatment System and Wetland Habitat Creation at a Legacy Industrial Site, Northern Ireland by Jacobs and Soilfix
Best Overseas Project
Identifying Green and Sustainable Remediation Potentials: Case Study from a Complex Former Industrial Site in Brazil by TAUW (view the entry)
Large Scale In-situ Thermal Remediation Inside an Active Industrial Facility in Belgium: Delivering Excellence on an Overseas Project by ERM
Chennai Site Investigation by Arcadis
Identifying Green and Sustainable Remediation Potentials: Case Study from a Complex Former Industrial Site in Brazil by TAUW
Best Early Career Brownfield Professional
Sponsored by AGS
Lottie Harold - Arup
Andrew Doherty - AtkinsRèalis
Areeb Khan - Cognition Land and Water
Dhuli Littig - Systra
Lottie Harold - Arup
Luciana Apetroaie - Riverlinx CJV
Lucy Cooper - Ramboll
Rachel Hill - RSK Geosciences
Rebecca Bartlett - Leap Environmental
Samantha Filkins - VertaseFLI
Sean Collier - AECOM
Technical Lead of the Year
Sponsored by SoilFLO
Jane Thrasher - Jacobs
Andy O'Dea - Cognition Land and Water
Jane Thrasher - Jacobs
Richard Colin - RSK
Ruth Garcia - Riverlinx CJV

Judges’ Choice Award
Dermal Bioavailability of PAH in Soil by British Geological Survey, WSP and National Grid​
Special 20th Anniversary Award: Most Significant UK Remediation or Regeneration Project
The Avenue Project by Homes England, Jacobs, Turner & Townsend, VSD Avenue [VolkerStevin, DEC, SITA], TEP, WSP, LQM, Socotec
The Avenue Project by Homes England, Jacobs, Turner & Townsend, VSD Avenue [VolkerStevin, DEC, SITA], TEP, WSP, LQM, Socotec
Mersey Gateway by Ramboll, Sanctus, RemedX/RSK/Structural Soils/RSK Geoscience/Envirolab, Celtic/Biogenie, AECOM, Mersey Gateway Crossings Board (Halton Borough Council), Merseylink CCJV (Kier Infrastructure & Overseas Ltd, Samsung C&T Corporation and FCC Construction), The Coal Authority, CE Geochem, Deep Soil Mixing
Olympic Park Project by ODA/LLDC, Regenesis, DEME, WSP, CH2M, Laing O'Rourke, Atkins, Mace, Morrisons/Galliford Try Infrastructure, BAM Nuttall, Halcrow/Jacobs, Hyder/Arcadis, HBR/Blackwell Earthmoving Ltd, Socotec, TEP, LDA Design, Erith, Harrison Group, WYG/Tetra Tech, May Gurney/GTS, i2 Analytical, Alcontrol/ALS, Boart Longyear/Geosonic Drilling, Arup, QROS​
Regeneration of the Former Ironbridge Power Station by Harworth, Pegasus, DSL, John F Hunt, VHE, PJA, Cumming Group, Leonard Design