2022 Brownfield Award Winners
2022 Brownfield Award Winning Projects
Best Project Preparatory Work
Winner: RSK Geosciences, Fife Council and SEPA for their project 'Complex conceptualisation of creosote contamination: The curious case of DNAPL migration into an artesian aquifer'
Best Research, Innovation or Advancement of Science in the Brownfield Sector (sponsored by Englobe (previously known as Celtic Technologies))
Winner: The Environmental Protection Group Limited (EPG, RSK, WSP and GeoEnvironmental Consulting Ltd) for their project 'CL:AIRE Good Practice for Risk Assessment for Coal Mine Gas Emissions'
Highly Commended:
Leap Environmental for their project 'Carbon Reduction Design Tool (CreDiT)'
Ramboll for their project 'SURE: An Innovative Digital Tool For Embedding Sustainability In Remedial Options Appraisal'
Best Application of Innovative Digital Tools or Emerging Technology on a Brownfield Project (sponsored by SoilFLO)
Winner: AECOM and St William for their project 'Innovative Continuous Odour Monitoring as Part of a Comprehensive Air Quality Monitoring Programme During Gasworks Redevelopment'
Highly Commended:
RSK Geosciences, Environment Agency, Affinity Water, Bellway Homes and Van Walt Ltd for their project 'Telemetric turbidity monitoring during the piling/construction on brownfield sites situated over Chalk in Inner Source Protection Zones'
Arcadis (UK) Limited and SSE Thermal for their project 'Fiddlers Ferry Power Station'
Best Public Engagement and Participation of a Brownfield Activity
Winner: the Scottish Land Commission and DTAS for their project 'Vacant and Derelict Land Community-led Regeneration'
Highly Commended:
Local Dialogue for their project 'Positive Public Engagement for five dismantling sites in the East of England, to raise the profile of brownfield development with stakeholders, and encourage community participation to shape these projects'
Sanctus for their project 'Forge Dam Restoration'
Best Application of Remediation Technologies (sponsored by NHBC)
Winner: Ramboll and Soilfix for their project 'Sustainable Remediation of a Site for School & Residential Use at Plaistow Road, London'
Highly Commended:
Costain Vinci Grands Projets Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture (CVBJV) for their project 'DNAPL management with in-situ recovery and binding at Earl Pumping Station'
Best Remediation of a Smaller Site (sponsored by Envirolab)
Winner: Sanctus for their project 'Forge Dam'
Highly Commended:
Geosyntec Consultants for their project 'Focused Source Zone Electric Resistive Heating and Multi Phase Extraction Remedy on a Former Car park'
Best Sustainable Re-Use of Materials
Winner: ERM, Geotechnology Ltd and Darlow Lloyd & Sons Ltd for their project 'Former British Steel Crosby Warren Landfill'
Highly Commended:
Ramboll and Soilfix for their project 'Sustainable Remediation of a Site for School & Residential Use at Plaistow Road, London'
Best Sustainable Brownfield/Urban Regeneration/Infrastructure Scheme (sponsored by AECOM)
Winner: Sweco UK, Winchburgh Developments, West Lothian Council, Optimised Environments and I & H Brown for their project 'Auldcathie District Park, Winchburgh'
Highly Commended:
Turnkey Regeneration, Galldris Services, Waterman, Arup and Related Argent for their project 'Brent Cross Town Regeneration'
Harworth Group plc for their project 'Regeneration of the Former Ironbridge Power Station'
Best Public Sector/Not for Profit Brownfield Project
Winner: the Scottish Land Commission and DTAS for their project 'Vacant and Derelict Land Community-led Regeneration'
Highly Commended:
South Kesteven District Council for their project 'St Martins Park'
Best Biodiversity Enhancement on a Brownfield Project (sponsored by Ramboll)
Joint winners:
St. Modwen Developments, SK Environmental Solutions and Pleydell Smithyman for their project 'Glan Llyn'
Sanctus for their project 'Pendle Water Restoration Project, An Industrial Legacy re-imagined'
Best International Project
Winner: Ramboll for their project 'Helping to develop a contaminated soil law for the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection'
Best Early Career Brownfield Professional
Winner: Kirsty Summers from RSK Geosciences
The Judges’ Choice Award
Winner: the Scottish Land Commission and DTAS for their project 'Vacant and Derelict Land Community-led Regeneration'
2022 Brownfield Awards Shortlist
Complex conceptualisation of creosote contamination: The curious case of DNAPL migration into an artesian aquifer - RSK Geosciences, Fife Council and SEPA
Remediation Strategy Preparation - Mott MacDonald and REGENESIS
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station - Arcadis (UK) Limited & SSE Thermal
CL:AIRE Good Practice for Risk Assessment for Coal Mine Gas Emissions - The Environmental Protection Group Limited (EPG, RSK, WSP and GeoEnvironmental Consulting Ltd)
Carbon Reduction Design Tool (CreDiT) - Leap Environmental
SURE by Ramboll: An Innovative Digital Tool For Embedding Sustainability In Remedial Options Appraisal - Ramboll
Asbestos Research Project - Advisian, National Grid Property, i2 Analytical, Firth Consulting
Natural Source Zone Depletion Assessment: Findings from the First UK Large Scale Field Application - WSP
SPA Whole-Life Data Management Approach - Strategic Pipeline Alliance
Innovative Continuous Odour Monitoring as Part of a Comprehensive Air Quality Monitoring Programme During Gasworks Redevelopment - AECOM & St William
An innovative and holistic integration of multiple digital tools to deliver the complex phase 2 strategic infrastructure investigation at Meridian Water - Arup
Telemetric turbidity monitoring during the piling/construction on brownfield sites situated over Chalk in Inner Source Protection Zones - RSK Geosciences, Environment Agency, Affinity Water, Bellway Homes and Van Walt Ltd
Development of specific R function ‘SiteSamplingGrid’ to allow automated grid sampling: Application in assessment of spatially distributed contamination - John Grimes Partnership Ltd
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station - Arcadis (UK) Limited & SSE Thermal
Vacant and Derelict Land Community-led Regeneration Project - Scottish Land Commission & DTAS
Positive Public Engagement for five dismantling sites in the East of England to raise the profile of brownfield development with stakeholders and encourage community participation to shape of these projects - Local Dialogue
"Forge Dam Restoration - Sanctus Ltd
Locking Parklands - Rodgers Leask Ltd
"An application of four in situ technologies to remediate a 20,000m3 co-mingled plume comprising organic and in-organic contaminants in a chalk aquifer - Mott MacDonald Ltd & REGENESIS
Sustainable Remediation of a Site for School & Residential Use at Plaistow Road, London - Ramboll and Soilfix
The First Implementation of a Combined Electric Resistive Heating (ERH) and Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) Remedy at a Fractured Bedrock Site in Scotland, UK - Geosyntec Consultants
Design, Build and Operation of a Surface Water Treatment System, Newport, South Wales - St Modwen and Englobe Regeneration UK Ltd
Ailsa Wharf Remediation - Turnkey Regeneration and Jackson Remediation
Harworth Colliery Coke Works Total Fluids and DNAPL Recovery - Englobe Regeneration UK Ltd
DNAPL management with in-situ recovery and binding at Earl Pumping Station - Costain Vinci Grands Projets Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture (CVBJV)
Focused Source Zone Electric Resistive Heating (ERH) and Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) Remedy on a Former Carpark - Geosyntec Consultants
Forge Dam - Sanctus
Sustainable Remediation of a Site for School & Residential Use at Plaistow Road, London - Ramboll and Soilfix
Former British Steel Crosby Warren Landfill - ERM, Geotechnology Ltd and Darlow Lloyd & Sons Ltd
Stabilization of Lime Waste - Lostock Gralam - VertaseFLI
Brent Cross Town Regeneration - Turnkey Regeneration, Galldris Services, Waterman, Arup and Related Argent
Paragon Park - Dunton Environmental
Simpson Park Phase 2 - Tetra Tech
Auldcathie District Park, Winchburgh - Sweco UK Ltd, Winchburgh Developments Ltd, West Lothian Council, Optimised Environments Ltd, I & H Brown Ltd
Aire Park - Rhodar
Wirral Waters - Peel L&P's Wirral Waters
Brent Cross Town Regeneration - Turnkey Regeneration, Galldris Services, Waterman, Arup and Related Argent
Pendle Water Restoration Project, An Industrial Legacy re-imagined - Sanctus Ltd
Regeneration of the Former Ironbridge Power Station - Harworth Group plc
Equipment Works, Walthamstow - Telford Homes
St Martins Park - South Kesteven District Council
Vacant and Derelict Land Community-led Regeneration Project - Scottish Land Commission & DTAS
Glan Llyn - St. Modwen Developments Ltd, SK Environmental Solutions and Pleydell Smithyman
Pendle Water Restoration Project, An Industrial Legacy re-imagined - Sanctus Ltd
Helping to develop a contaminated soil law for the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection - Ramboll
Wollongong Gasworks Remediation - Senversa
Shortlist for the Best Early Career Brownfield Professional Award
John Fitzgerald - Atkins
Harry Whittle - Delta-Simons
Kirsty Summers - RSK Geosciences
Catherine Cooper - Ramboll
Katy Woodhouse - Tetra Tech
2022 Award Ceremony photos
2022 Ceremony hosts
The Opening Keynote Address at the 2022 Awards ceremony was given by Peter Freeman CBE, Chair of Homes England, and was followed by an Address from Guest Speaker Roger Harrabin, Energy & Environment Analyst at BBC News.

Peter Freeman CBE, Chair of Homes England
After qualifying as a lawyer, Peter formed the Argent Group of property companies with his brother in 1981. Argent is known for major mixed-use projects like Brindleyplace in Birmingham, and King’s Cross and Brent Cross Town in London.
Peter has also been a non-executive director on several other property companies and a trustee of a number of charities connected with education, combating intolerance, and public performance art. He was shortlisted for the Wolfson Economic Prize on delivering garden cities in 2014 and was until October 2020 Chair of Mayfield Market Towns Ltd. Peter was the principal author of the 2020 Housing Sprint Report and became Chair of Homes England in October 2020.

Roger Harrabin, Former Energy & Environment Analyst at BBC News
Roger Harrabin is the BBC’s former Energy & Environment Analyst and is recognised as one of the world’s leading journalists and broadcasters, having reported on environmental issues since the 1980s. An influential figure in the British media, Roger has won many awards for broadcasting on issues related to sustainable development.
Roger studied English at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, and then began his journalism career in print before joining the BBC, reporting for programmes including Panorama, Newsnight, The World At One, The Ten O’Clock News and Radio 4’s Today programme and was the founder-presenter of the BBC environment programme “Costing the Earth”.