Brownfield sites provide opportunities for regeneration and achieving sustainable development goals, including enhancing biodiversity and social value. Innovative thinking combined with new technologies enable a shift towards sustainable remediation methods that reduce carbon and minimise environmental impact.
This new conference, brought to you by Environment Analyst’s Brownfield & Regeneration Network builds on the success of our annual Brownfield Land Scotland and previous UK brownfield conferences and is taking place on the same day as our Brownfield Awards ceremony in Manchester. It will bring together brownfield consultants and contractors with developers, landowners, planners, investors and regulators to explore how best to plan, assess and manage brownfield land to unlock sites and optimise their sustainable re-use.
The conference will take place on Thursday 13th November 2025 at Etc. Venues, Manchester Piccadilly.
What attendees from previous Brownfield Events have said
Conference topics include
Robust & accurate risk assessment to inform a remedial strategy
Innovative sustainable remediation options
Effectively integrating sustainability & climate impacts and goals into brownfield development
Nature-based restoration and ensuring demonstrable biodiversity net gain
Managing PFAS and emerging contaminants
Optimising the potential economic value of brownfield sites
Who is the Conference designed for?
This event will bring together professionals involved in planning, financing, and delivering brownfield regeneration and development projects, including environmental consultants, remediation contractors, housebuilders, developers, regeneration companies, landowners, industrial site portfolio managers, local authorities, and property experts.
Environmental Liability Specialist
Enforcement Officer- Land Quality
Remediation Director / Manager
Environmental Surveyor
Senior Climate Change Programme Manager
Senior Environmental Health Officer
Principal Consultant
Technical Directors / Manager
Managing Director
Contaminated Land Officer / Specialist
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Protection Officer
Planning / Planning Policy Officer
Regeneration Head / Director / Manager
(Geo-)Environmental Engineer
(Geo-)Technical Specialist
Remediation Manager / Engineer
Land Quality Manager / Advisor
Scientist / Scientific Officer
Development Director / Manager

Thursday 13th November 2025
Etc. Venues Manchester Piccadilly
The location is at the centre of a transport hub and is easily accessible via the mainline and tram stations.